Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I use my yoga mat a lot. Not just for yoga.
I roll it up in my closet, but it always opens up and falls over.
I saw a carrier for yoga mats in the store, which would also be good to store it, but I didn't want to spend the money.
So..when I came home I had to find an easy solution.
I didn't want it to fall over anymore...
Also if you leave your yoga mat against the wall, it looks cute and tidier. (is that a word? i hope..)

Here's what you can use:::

I took old shoe laces ( you can wash them if they're dirty) or, use ones that have never been used. You can use ribbon, rope, yarn, whatever you like, but shoelaces are nice because of the length and strength.
All you have to do is tie one on the bottom and one on the top. It looks super cute and you can even bring it to the gym this way without spending $12+ on a carrier.

Also, you may have weights lying here, tennis shoes there, a jump rope in another place..
If you do.
You will find less of an excuse not to exercise when all your things are in one place.
Do you say "I can't find this...eh I'll find it later..." and never end up exercising that day..or the next..or the next.
Stop doing that.
When all your things are together it's easier to pick them up at once and go.
You don't have to spend a lot of money to get organized..you may even have everything you need.
I have a crate that was $3 at target..and it's a big.
I put my weights, tennis shoes, dvds, push up bars, and other things in there.
All together. When I'm ready for my workout I grab and go.
Also, I have small items like resistance bands, ankle weights, jump rope...
I put those in a perfume bag I got a long time ago for free.
So its easy. You just have to do it.

This doesn't only go for exercise, but anything you want to accomplish.
Get organized.

Do it now.
Don't wait.
Or it will never get done.

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